Digital Millennium Copyright Law Policies, Notices, and Removal Procedures Our policy is to respond promptly to appropriate notices of suspected copyright infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) in the United States (the text of which can be found on the US Copyright Office website) Found on). Copyright. gov)

We hope that all users of any part of Stickgram with applicable copyright laws. However, if we receive appropriate notice of copyright infringement, our response to such notice will include deleting or prohibiting access to materials claimed to be the subject of infringing activities and/or terminating contributors, regardless of whether we may be liable for such infringement under US law or the laws of other jurisdictions.

If we remove or disable access permissions for such notifications, we will attempt in good faith to contact the creators of the affected content so that they can issue a counter notice under Article 512 (g) (2) and (3) of the DMCA. We may also record notifications of suspected infringement where we take action.

Infringement Notice: Submit DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice

After receiving appropriate notice of infringement claims, Stickgramwill follow the procedures outlined in this article and DMCA.

To submit an infringement notice to Stickgram, you must provide written communication (via email, fax, and mail) that lists the information specified in the table below.

Please note that if you seriously distort this material and infringe on your copyright, you will be liable for damages (including costs and legal fees). Therefore, if you are unsure if you are the appropriate copyright owner or if copyright law protects your materials, you may need to consult a lawyer.

To expedite our ability to process your request, please use the following format (including partial numbering): Your contact information, including your name, address, phone number, and email address (if any) that can contact you (as the complainant);

Declaration: "I am the copyright owner or authorized agent acting on behalf of the following copyrighted materials:".

Fully and thoroughly identify copyrighted content that you believe has been infringed upon. (For example, "disputed copyrighted images are" content titles, "which can be described as" description: literary works, images, etc. "through" author name, "including any federal registration information (if any);"

The subject of the claimed infringement or infringing activity, as well as the identification of materials that will be deleted or prohibited from accessing, and reasonable information (such as "title", "article", content screenshots, URL) that is sufficient to allow Stickgram to locate the material;

The following statement: "I sincerely believe that the use of the aforementioned materials in the manner complained of has not been authorized by the copyright owner, their agent, or the law."; The following statement: "I swear that the information in the notice is accurate and accurate, and I am willing to accept the punishment of perjury."

Send written communication via email to our designated copyright agent to receive DMCA notifications:

After receiving such a counter notice, Stickgram will immediately provide a copy of the counter notice to the person who provided the original infringement notice, and notify that person that Stickgram will replace the deleted material or cease access to the prohibited material within 30 working days. Stickgram will replace deleted materials and cease access to prohibited materials at least 10 working days and no more than 14 working days after receiving a counter notice, unless our designated agent first receives notice from the person who submitted the original infringement notice that they have filed a lawsuit seeking a court order to restrict subscribers from participating in infringement activities related to materials on our system or network.

According to Article 512 (i) (1) (A) of the DMCA, Stickgram will, in appropriate circumstances, disable and/or terminate the contributor account of repeated infringers.